

1. Which is the oldest Nepalese sambat ?   -----   kaligat sambat  2. Who is nicknamed as Bangbandhu ? ------  Shekh Mujibur Rahaman 3.  Which country has the largest number of World heritage sites> -----  Italy  4 . In which unit oceanic distance is measured? ------ Notical Mile 5.  How many enzymes are found on our body ? -----  12 6.  What are the instruments found in BLACK BOX ? -----   C.V.R & F.D.R     (Cockpit Voice Recorder and Flight Data Recorder ) 7.  Up to what period of time BLACK BOX is useful ? ------  3 Months 8.   RADAR: - Radio Detecting and Ranging 9.   ADSL: - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 10.  Onelogy: - Study of Wines


1. How many percentage of Nepal's area is covered by the Dolpa district? ------------ 6% 2. IRC - Internet Relay Chat 3. Where is the Turkish capital? ----- Ankara 4. When did the Time started  'Time Man of the Year'?     -----------1927 A.D 5. Who was the President of the United States during World War II?      -------- Woodrow Wilson 6. What is fear of mobile missing?      ------ Nomophobia 7. When is World Cancer Day?  ----- Feb 4 8. What is the study of Whale?  ----- Cetology 9. What is the first book by Motimam Bhatt?  ----- Gajendra Moksha 10. Muzura lake is located in which district?  ----- Chitwan 11. Hudkeli folk dance can be seen in which part of Nepal?  -----Far western  


1. How many districts were Nepal during the time of Bhimsen Thapa?  ---- 39 2. Which planet is known as "Blue Planet" ? ----- EARTH 3. What planet is EUROPA satellite? ------ Jupiter 4. Which  Ocean is called commercial ocean? ------  Antarctic Ocean 5. What is the largest lake of fresh water in the world? ------- Superior lake 6. When was the  Chitwan National Park established? ------- 2030 B.S 7. How many zones are there in 4 districts in Nepal? ------- 3 (Mahakali Mechi Dhawalagiri) 8. What is the smallest river of Saptakoshi? ------  Likhu 9. For which mineral Ramechhap district is famous ? ------ Iron 10. How many Nepalis had got Victorian cross in the First World War? ------ 2 11. When did Mahatma Gandhi become born? ------ 2nd Oct1869 A.D 12. Who started the chariot journey of Seto Mach-chindra-nath? -----  Sidhdhi Narshim Malla 13. Which element is generated by Seseno? ------ Formic acid 14. What is the largest gland of the human body? ----


1.   WIPO  -- World Intellectual Property Organization. 2.   IP  -- Internet Protocol 3.   Which is the first play written in Nepali language ? -----  Hasya kadamba 4. From which country Bingo game was started ? -----  Italy 5. How many chapters are there in Kuran ? -----  114 Chapters 6.  what is the currency of Indonesia called?     -----  rupiah 7.  what is the study of  lights called ?   ------  Optics 8. What is the native name of Malaysia ? ----- Malaya  9. "Be silent when you are in doubt "  ---  Alexander pope 10. "Common sense is very uncommon"   --- Horazein Olysses


COUNTRY   -----    COUNTRY      -----  NAME OF BOUNDARY India              -----    Pakistan       -----  Radcliff line India              ------    China          ----       Mcmohan line North Vietnam   -----   South vietnam  -----  17 th   parallel Libiya             ----      Sudan           -----    24 th parallel Eygpt             -----     Sudan              ----    22 th parallel North Korea    -----   South Korea      ----  38 th parallel U.S.A              -----   Canada              ---- 49 th parallel Pakistan          ------    Afghanistan       ---    Durand line Germany           -----    France             ----   Siegfriedline Germany           -----   Polland            -----   Hidden berg line   


     PERSON                                              NICKNAME                  GAUTAM BUDDHA                           LIGHT OF ASIA   JESUS CHRIST                                   LIGHT OF WORLD   NEPOLEON                                        THE  LITTLE CORPORAL   NEPOLEON                                         MAN OF DESTINY   LAL BAHADUR SHASTRI                MAN OF PEACE  BISMARK                                 MAN OF BLOOD AND IRON  FLORANCE NIGHTANGLE         LADY WITH LAMP PELE                                                     BLACK PEARL WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE          BORD OF AVON MAHATMA GHANDHI                  BAPU   SUBASH CHANDRA BOSH             NETAJI RABINDRA NATH TAGORE           GURUDEV ELIZABETH - 1                               MODERN QUEEN FLAG OF UNITED KINGDOM  -   UNION OF JACK


1.   ISO 9001 :-   Quality management 2.   ISO 14000 :- Environmental management 3.   ISO 50001 :- Energy management 4.   ISO 31000 :- Risk management 5.   ISO 22000 :- Food Safety management 6.   ISO 27001: -  Information Security  management 7.   ISO 3166 :- Country Codes 8.   ISO 4217 :- Currency  Codes 9.   ISO 639  :- Language Codes 10. ISO 26000 :- Social Responsiblity